Engaging worship that offers hope to every person every Sunday.
Emergency Food Pantry and Family Ministries Outreach that support our neighbors in need.
Free Community Dinner every Christmas Day and Free Spaghetti Dinner second Saturday of March.
This year financial and prayer support has gone to...
*Our neighbors though the distribution of grocery gift cards to help during these difficult times
*The United Methodist Committee on Relief for helping people in the US following natural disasters
*The Salvation Army-Honesdale Extension Unit assisting our neighbors meet their heating needs
*The Wayne County Children's Christmas Bureau helping all community children receive gifts at Christmas.
*Jared Boxes for children at Wayne Hospital, Sewing Ministry, Weekly Sunday School program for children and bi-weekly Youth Fellowship for our youth, and an annual Blessing of the Animals event.
*Contributions to and participation in a number of local community programs, such as Trick-or-Treating in Hamlin and supportive outreach to Evergreen Elementary School.
Grocery Gift Card Giveaway
Through generous donations from our members and friends, on May 7, 2024, we were able to distribute almost two hundred $50 grocery gift cards to the families in our community.

In 2022 there were 206 shoeboxes donated, as reward for achievement of that high goal,
Pastor Jeff's barber (Mick Frigoletto) shaved off the pastor’s beard and mustache!
Check out the video!
In 2024 over 140 shoeboxes were donated and the children were rewarded by having the opportunity to apply face paint to Pastor Jane.
A fun time was had by all!