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White Grass

A United Methodist Congregation

Welcome to
Salem Community Church

Salem Community Church is open to everyone who wishes to develop a closer relationship with God.

YOU are invited to join with us in making Salem and our

community a better place.

Inclement weather closure policy…

Reminder of Inclement Weather Policy: When Western Wayne School District has a late start, morning and afternoon meetings will be cancelled. When WWSD has an early dismissal or is closed for the day or cancels evening activities due to weather conditions, any evening meetings at the Salem Community Church will be cancelled. Barring any emergency that closes roadways in our area, worship services will be held regardless of weather. Every effort will made be to have posted on our website should Sunday worship be cancelled.

Support Our Church

We sincerely appreciate your generous donations during these tough times. Your support is invaluable to us. Together, we can share peace and love throughout our community.

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